Friday, 21 January 2011

Do you hear the music coming out of cars nowadays?

Do you hear the music coming out of cars nowadays?

Open windows, especially in summertime?

I’ve noticed the tunes are never official. 

The only thing that’ll come remotely close, is lame Akon/r&b joints, or some common as muck type stuff like that. 

So you’re walking and you hear it – the baseline- from afar, so your ears prick up thinking… “Dam…! The Realness…” but then it approaches and you notice…“Dam… The Fakeness…” 

So now, it’s been just so long since I heard the really-real…!

I did once, years ago, on Jamaica rd down Bermondsey endz;

This red BM stopped at the lights playing, of all things… Celladwellaz…!!!  Hey I straight saluted that dude…! - Duke was all whitecollard-up and everything! Definitely not the type of dude you’d expect to see bangin-out that Celladwellaz track “From the land…of the lost…from the lllaaaannnnd! 

But this was years like 6yrs ago…

So things considered; ***THE REALNESS IS DEAD*** & it died a while ago…

Coz I aint tryin to her that fake-niggugh-shit playin out of cars…

(Last zaggin lectures… signing off!) 

But one must update here!!!
Because I just saw some Techno-babe in over-sized eyewear cruise past me playing some obscure Mobb Deep track…of all groups...yoganeck, semi-tan, windows down sporting peroxide&low-lights…the whole shebang…RREEAAHH…I was nonplussed!!!

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